Who Are You Attracting?
I came across a question in my bible study on 1 Samuel 22 this week that made me stop and think. It was, “What kind of people do you attract?” David was on the run from King Saul and people began to gather around him.
“All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their commander. About four hundred men were with him.” (1 Samuel 22:2). It paralleled the kind of people that gathered around Jesus; tax collectors and sinners. (Matthew 9:11)
Why were these people drawn to Jesus and David? Because they understood and provided a place of acceptance. Both of them understood rejection, betrayal, pain and loneliness and they offered something better.
Many people today are trying to find a way out of their troubles and are turning to all kinds of alternatives – some to drugs, some to drinking and some to suicide. They are looking for love and acceptance and we know the One who offers both. We’ve experienced both from Him.
Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29) Doesn’t that sound nice; rest for your soul!
Jesus came to seek and save the lost. He spent time with those that the world could only see as less than. They were wrong. Each and every one mattered to Jesus. Spending time with Him healed their souls and they found strength to face the day, to live a changed life and to face whatever circumstances they were dealing with.
We, like King David, can also be a place of refuge. A place where people can find hope, love and acceptance. People were drawn to him because they knew his story and they saw what a difference God was making in his life. Do people know that about us? Do our changed lives in Christ draw people to us so that they can be changed too?
When I looked up the definition of a Christian it was; “They were called “Christians” because their behavior, activity, and speech were like Christ Jesus. The word Christian means, “follower of Christ” or “belonging to the party of Christ.” Being like Christ means that we are reaching out to sinners.
As I read that I asked myself the question again, “What kind of people am I attracting?” This week God gave me an opportunity to put this lesson into action.
A girl that I have known for several years stopped by the office and I was brokenhearted at what I saw. She had completed a court ordered rehab program about 9 months earlier. At that time she was healthy, clean and sober. Her hair was long, black and beautiful. When she walked in the office she shared about all the voices she hears and that she had be arrested for possession of heroin and meth. She had pulled out all her hair and was desperately trying to find ways to get her charges reduced.
We talked for a while and she began to cry when she said she has hit rock bottom. As she stood there I walked up to her and gave her a hug. She held on tightly as tears filled her eyes. I told her I would be praying that she will get the help she needs and I’ve prayed every day since for her.
I hope she felt some love because I know she doesn’t get any from family and her friends. I pray that God will restore her mind and give her peace. If she goes to jail, I pray that He will watch over her and provide the help she needs.
Crowds gathered around Jesus. Four hundred men gathered around David. One friend came to me. Each one matters to God. A hug, a word of kindness or encouragement and even a smile make a difference. Just being noticed with a “Hello,” can change their world. Lord please help me to attract the kind of people that need You and help me extend the same mercy and grace You have shown me.
My Prayer
Father, thank you for the visit from my friend even though it was heartbreaking to see her in that condition. She’s still alive Lord, so there is still hope. I pray she will get the help she needs and that her mind will be freed from the demons that are tormenting her. Restore her soul Lord. Give her peace. Help us to be places of refuge and acceptance for those that feel like outcasts. Let us be Christians. Let us be Jesus to the world. In Jesus name, amen.
Where does my help come from?
John 13:34
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”