Live Boldly

Soul Retreat

While researching the story of Mary and Martha I came across an article where the author mentioned a Soul Retreat. Those words stuck in my mind a little differently than she had used them, but I do believe that God used them as an invitation for me to go away with Him.

The thought of running away and taking a day off had great appeal to me and I decided to spend a night at our weekend retreat in the middle of the week by myself.

I began preparing by gathering studies and devotionals and making an agenda of all the things I wanted to do in a few short days. Menus, clothes, movies and other activities were all on my list. It was amazing how much thought went into just an overnight retreat.

Shortly after I arrived I was given a prayer that would be the theme of my retreat. Thank you Lord, because it set the right heart for the whole experience.

Father, help me learn to cherish and make time to simply sit at Your feet and be in Your presence. At the same time, Lord, show me how to live a life of integrity in which I am a woman of my word. Teach me how to discipline my steps and invest my time in a way that pleases You and honors the plan You have for my life. Only You can bring a Holy Balance to my life as I surrender my agenda and every priority to Your perfect plan. I do that right now. In Jesus’ name, amen. (by Mary Southerland)

Let the Soul Retreat begin!

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