Live Boldly

Restore My Soul – My Cherished One

Today was a day that I sat in awe of God. In my quiet time I reviewed all the events over that last few months and took note of the many things that I have to be thankful for. The way that God orchestrated so many details to work exactly as He planned.

So when I received His message for me today I was humbled and in awe.

God’s message to me today: Refuse to worry, My cherished one!

The definition of cherished is to protect and care for (someone) lovingly. “He cared for me beyond measure and cherished me in his heart”

Think about that. God cherishes you! He lovingly protects and cares for you beyond measure and cherished you in His heart.

“Displace those worry thoughts with trusting me while praising me for all I am and all I have done. This combination of praise and trust is potent. It drives away anxiety and powers of darkness. Also it strengthens your relationship with me. You may still have legitimate concerns to deal with, but I will help you with them.”

“As you become more peaceful, you can look at your problems in the light of My Presence and seek my counsel. Let scripture inform your thinking so that I can communicate with you more clearly.”

“Take time to thank Me for the many good things in your life. I want you to express gratefulness in your prayers, in your conversations with others and in your private thoughts. I read your thoughts continually and I rejoice when they contain gratitude.”

“You can even thank me for the things you wish were different. This act of faith helps you break free from negative thinking. In everything give thanks; this is my will for you.”

My Prayer

Father, thank you for calling me Your Cherished one. I know that You love me and You take great care of me. Your protection amazes me and I am truly grateful for the life You have blessed me with. Thank you Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Where does my help come from?

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

 Rejoice always,  pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus

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