Live Boldly

Passion Prayers – My Shield

Passion Prayers are short prayers that I pray will help prepare hearts and minds for Easter. The celebration of our Risen Lord is only a few weeks away and the enemy is doing his best to distract us from focusing on the most beautiful display of love that has ever been given.

Let these prayers help you refocus your mind and heart on the One and Only Savior who loves you more than you can comprehend and who is right beside you no matter what is going on in this crazy world.

Psalm 3:3

But you, Lord, are a shield around me,
    my glory, the One who lifts my head high.

Lord Jesus, thank you for being the shield around me, the one who protects me and the lifter of my head. You Lord are always watching out for me and protecting me from both known and unknown attacks. You give me courage to continue and I’m so blessed to have a Savior that always looks after my best interests. Thank you for lifting my head with your strong hands so that I can see Your face and know that My God’s got this!

Blessed Savior

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