Night Seasons
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. – Psalm 20:7

A dear friend of mine was telling me about a bible study she was participating in with her friend called Faith in the Night Seasons, by Nancy Missler. Many times she has shared at prayer group about the faith and relationship that has developed between her friend and God over the last several months. Her friend is battling a form of cancer that is eating her bones. Her life has become a beautiful testimony of a woman who trusts God regardless.
At some point in our lives we will all experience night seasons. Trials, challenges, disappointments and loss all fit that description and will place us in a crisis of belief that will require us to decide where we will place our trust.
When that trust is placed firmly in Jesus Christ we will be able to live in His peace and know with assurance, that whatever the outcome may be, God is good and knows best.
One of my favorite quotes from the Grief Share program is, “You can always trust the Man who died for you.” Jesus experienced one of the most horrific “Night seasons” imaginable all for the purpose of redeeming those He loves. That includes you!
Someday we will be able to look back on the night seasons and see the purpose in them, but until then we can choose to trust in the name of the Lord our God and experience His presence and love in the midst of them.