My Soul Glorifies the Lord
After meeting with Elizabeth, Mary spoke the words that are now known as the Magnificat: Mary’s Song of Praise. It begins with, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” Have you ever felt that way? Bursting with praise for what God has done and is going to do in your life? It’s those moments that you’re saying, “Thank you Lord! Thank you, Thank you, thank you!”
Every day that we wake up is another opportunity to see His goodness and find a reason to give Him praise. Mary’s song mentions God’s mercy, His provision, His help and mighty deeds that He has performed. Have you experienced any of those things? How about all of them?
If we choose to look with a desire to see the truth, we will see each and every one of those happen every day. The bible tells us that His mercies are new everyday. He blesses us with our Daily Bread which provides all we will need for every task or situation that may arise. Miracles are happening all around us such as new babies born, new believers, forgiveness and restored relationships.
What does your song of praise sound like? When was the last time you shouted out a thanks to God? Today is a great day to open you heart, raise your hands and sing His praises.
Be Intentional about glorifying God everyday.

Praises & Prayers
Dear Lord, I just want to say thank you and praise You for being who You are. Thank you for Your daily presence in my life and for Your daily mercy and grace. Thank you for my daily provision and for the work of Your hands in my life and the lives of those around me. You are wonderful Lord! In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Psalm 34:3
Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.