Fear Not! I’m With You
I think one of my favorite lessons from Deborah was the reminder that God is with us and has already gone before us. As we look back over the years we can see God’s hand in every detail and it’s a beautiful reminder of His presence and faithfulness. But seldom do we remember that He is also present and faithful for every day that is to come. Take a moment and dwell in the confidence and peace of knowing that the God of Heaven has already gone ahead of us and prepared the way. Repeatedly His word tells us not to fear because He is with us. Imagine how different…
Power and Love
“For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and self-control (discipline).” 2 Timothy 1: 7 I admire the courage that Deborah had as she faithfully served the Lord in the many different positions that He entrusted to her. That courage came from God who gave her the power, the love and the self discipline to accomplish everything that was required of her. God has given us that same power, that same love and that same self discipline. We have those gifts at our disposal when we remember what He didn’t give us – a spirit of fear. There were responsibilities that Deborah was…
Strong & Courageous
You could definitely describe Deborah as strong and courageous. She was a woman who knew that her strength came from the Lord and her faith and trust in Him is what gave her the courage she needed to fulfill her purpose. As Daughter’s of the King we are also strong and courageous. Like Deborah, we have God’s word that He will be with us and that He has already gone before us. We just need to believe it. Joshua 1: 19 reads, “Have I not commanded you, Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” That message was repeated…
Equipping Yourself for Battle
I have been so blessed with this month’s study of Deborah. It’s truly been a hidden gem and encouragement to me. I want to highlight some of the key lessons that I want to take with me from her story in the last few blogs of this month. Deborah was able to accomplish the many tasks assigned to her because she was equipped for battle. Ephesians 6:13-16 begins with the words, “Therefore take up the whole armor of God.” This armor isn’t just placed on us, we need to take it up. It’s a conscience choice and requires action on our part. Our relationship with Christ is the beginning of…
More Than Enough
Last week was a bit daunting. My schedule was overflowing because of over commitment and it seemed like there were more needs than I could possibly supply. Missed phone calls provided messages that needed to be returned and although I felt inadequate to respond with the right heart, after a quick prayer for the right words the calls were made. As I reviewed the week during my prayer time I found that each and every task was completed, not by my own ability, but by God’s intervention. I was in awe of how the Lord had walked me through each one and I was reminded that I didn’t have to…
A Lonely Place to Pray
That statement at first sounds kind of sad, but when experienced it is quite different. Usually this time of year is slow and quiet at my job, a time of peace and renewal from a busy season. This year everything is different. With travel restrictions slowly being lifted, the requests are rolling in and I’m finding it a bit of a challenge to find my quiet time. I was reminded by a sign on my wall that read, “In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus,” that it’s a choice to go to a lonely place to pray and it can be done if I make it a priority.…
A Map
This week I experienced the joy of sidewalk chalk while spending some time with my 5 year old granddaughter Remi. She began drawing a large green circle to which she added small brown circles in a line which ended up at a blue circle. When I asked her about her artwork she told me that she made a map for me so I wouldn’t get lost. Sure enough her picture was an exact replica of our yard. The green grass has brown stepping stones which lead to her blue swing. My heart was so touched that her desire was that I wouldn’t get lost. She had sat on the hard…
Today is a great day to stop and think about the many different people that God has placed in your life who have mentored you in your walk with Christ. People who have supported and encouraged you to learn in order to maximize your potential, develop your skills, improve your performance and become the person God created you to be. That is the definition of a mentor and they are a gift from God. As I thought back to my early years as a believer I’m reminded of those who invited me to church and went with me so I wouldn’t feel alone or too uncomfortable. Then there were others…
A Woman After God’s Own Heart
Have you ever thought of being a different person? Perhaps desiring to be like someone else or becoming the ideal woman according to what the magazines and social media portray that image to be. When you really think about it, deep down in your heart, what type of woman do you want to be? As a believer we can choose to be a woman after God’s own heart. What does it mean to be a woman after God’s own heart? A woman after God’s heart is grounded in God’s word. She trusts Him fully and continuously asks to draw closer to Him. She remembers who He is and reflects on the past…
Disciple Others
In Biblical times, a disciple referred to anyone studying under, and trying to emulate, a valued teacher. To modern day Christians, it means a follower of Christ who leads by following his example. In John 13:34-35, Jesus says “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” Discipleship is a process of not only holding onto your faith, but growing in it so that you may lead others toward Christ. Discipling is helping other believers live lives committed to Jesus, in both spirit and truth. A disciple is one who follows…