You’re Not Alone
As you travel on an Israel tour from Bethlehem to Moab, a mountainous strip of land in Jordan, you can imagine Ruth and Naomi traveling the same 50 miles of rugged and steep terrain. Although it is a short trip today, it would have taken Ruth and Naomi 7-10 days on foot. They would have had many moments of convervation and moments of silence as they trekked across the region. It reminds me of the type of friends that you don’t see very often but you know they would be there in a moments notice if you needed them. When you reunite the conversations can last for hours just like it…
Doesn’t it feel great when your hard work, long hours and commitment are noticed and appreciated by others. How about when you receive a heartfelt thank you for cooking, cleaning and taking care of your home. Or when your family and friends recognize the time and effort you put in to making sure all of their needs and desires are taken care of. In reality there are times that none of that happens and you are left feeling unappreciated, looked over and taken for granted. What do you do when that happens? In those situations it’s very easy for resentment to take center stage and steer us down the road…
Friendships are Work
In the story of Ruth we read that she went out into the fields and picked up the leftover grain to provide food for her and Naomi. This type of work was called gleaning and was a practice that was established by God to provide for the poor, widows, ophans and foreigners. It wasn’t a hand out, but rather a way that they could gather food to survive and it required effort and commitment on the part of the gatherer. Ruth was more than willing to put forth the effort that was required to provide for herself and Naomi. Everyday she would leave early and go to the fields where…
Refining Friends
Have you ever taken one of those color personality tests? After getting to know you a bit through several questions your answers reveal which color you most resemble. Yellow was always described as an easy going, fun loving, life of the party type of personality. The type that was always thought of to make the funnest friends. We would like to surround ourselves with this type of friend, but the truth is, we would never grow up if that were the case. We would never develope the characteristics that God intended for us through the experiences that refine us. We need, no matter how hard it may be, refining friends.…
A Different Perspective
The other day I was given a different perspective on this whole study on friendship. I was reading about Judas and trying to visualize the time he spent with Jesus. Just like the other disciples, he was chosen by the Lord, traveled with Him, spent time with Him, was given authority over demons by Him and sent out to proclaim the Good News. At the last supper when Jesus told His disciples that one of them would betray Him, not one person said, “I knew it! That Judas could never be trusted,” in fact, many asked Jesus if they were the one. During the three years of Jesus’ ministry all…
Happy Thoughts
It’s always surprising to me how something as simple as a coffe cup can efffect my mood. While standing in a check out line this week I saw a cute coffee cup that read, “Think happy thoughts.” It had whimsical little lines drawn on it and a few hearts and butterflies. Just looking at it made me smile and begin to think happy thoughts. It reminded me that my thoughts are my choice. What I dwell on and what my actions will follow. Throughout the rest of the day I kept thinking of that cup and each time I would adjust my thoughts. It was a gift and reminder from…
Compelled By Love
If I had to summerize the character of Ruth in one statement it would be, “Compelled by Love.” I imagine that she had intense moments of grief, cried tears quietly as she tried to sleep, felt true loneliness and was overwhelmed at times. But regardless of how she was personally feeling, she was always more concerned for the welfare others. It made me stop and ask myself, “when was the last time I did something because I was compelled by love?” Not because it was what I was suppose to do or something I should do, but doing it completely from a heart driven by love. Then God graciously gave…
Anyone who has made a post on social media has experienced what it’s like to be vulnerable. The definition of vulnerable is to be open to moral attack, criticism, temptation, capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt. One of the most common weapons used to hurt people and make them feel vulnerable are words. Think about how many friendships are ended because of words. Once we’ve been wounded we generally build walls that keep us from being vulnerable to the possibility of being hurt again. This kind of thinking makes it very difficult to embrace new friendships and often results in missing out on great possibilities. When Naomi and…
The Unknown
It’s very common in the Travel Industry for people to venture into the unkown. My first international trip was to Europe when I was 17 years old. I had never been out of the country and I was wide eyed and eager to see different cultures, try new foods and explore historical sights. I was very naive and had no idea what to expect. Of course I would imagine what I would see and how much fun I would have, but nothing truly prepared me for the adventure. One of the things that surprised me the most was that you could be in one country for breakfast and in a…
She Chose to Stay
Relationships can be complicated, messy and frustrating. But they can also be filled with love, understanding and life long frienships. Everyday we have a choice of whether or not to remain in our relationships. Those choices take heartfelt determination to offer grace, love and forgiveness, while remembering that the other person is also faced with the same choices concerning us. Think of the examples that we have in the story of Ruth. Daily she chose to encourage a bitter woman. Daily she chose to walk and live with her. Daily she chose to find ways to serve her and all the while she did it with a kind heart which…