• Live Boldly

    Path to Peace

    I love the feeling that those words bring to my soul. It makes me believe that it is possible to have true contentment, calmness and peace in this crazy and hurried world we live in. But where do we find that path? After Martha spoke her mind, Jesus offered her the path to peace. He said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 19:41-42) In that statement Jesus reminded her – and us – what to be concerned with, where to focus, and what…

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  • Live Boldly


    For the last few months I have tried not to use the word busy. I think it is a word that has lost its value from over use. Busy doing what? It was a busy day. I have to much to do, I’m so busy. Busy at first appears to give us value and is often seen as a status symbol. But the truth is that it robs us of any real interaction. Martha was a very busy woman. So much so that she was worried and upset over what she felt like was unfairness where Mary was concerned. When I avoided using the word busy in my conversations I…

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  • Live Boldly

    Give Me One Day

    I was so encouraged by the Soul Retreat prayer. It was like someone had taken the thoughts from my mind and desires of my heart and put them on paper. That’s what I want, intimacy with God. I felt empowered by the words and by the first set of studies that I had reviewed at my retreat. It was time for a little nap and when I went inside to relax I made the mistake of checking my phone. Three new travel requests were in my inbox plus a text message about a ministry issue. I had left an out of office message on my email, but my mind began…

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  • Live Boldly


    As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home.  Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. (Luke 10:38-40) There He was, the Savior of the world, at her front door and Martha welcomed Him in. The story begins in the best possible way but then takes a turn because of distractions. Can you relate? I can. Within just a few moments of arriving at my Soul Retreat with God the distractions began. My email was filling up…

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  • Divine Encounters


    Today we celebrate our freedom. What a wonderful gift! We are free to worship God openly and from a sincere heart. We are free to pray in churches, our homes and in public. We are free to live a life that honors God. Many of our earthly freedoms can be taken away from us, but the freedom to serve God with all are hearts is a constant. How are we exercising that freedom? Are we as visual with your faith as we are with our holiday parades and gatherings? Are we shouting the message of Grace as loud as the fireworks that are exploding overhead? True freedom was given to…

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  • Live Boldly

    Soul Retreat

    While researching the story of Mary and Martha I came across an article where the author mentioned a Soul Retreat. Those words stuck in my mind a little differently than she had used them, but I do believe that God used them as an invitation for me to go away with Him. The thought of running away and taking a day off had great appeal to me and I decided to spend a night at our weekend retreat in the middle of the week by myself. I began preparing by gathering studies and devotionals and making an agenda of all the things I wanted to do in a few short…

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  • Live Boldly

    It All Comes Together

    It’s always exciting to start a new month and a new study. As I began researching the story of Mary and Martha I was in awe of how everything over the last few months starting coming together. Messages and encouragement that I had received from God began to fall into place like strategically placed puzzle pieces. Words that stayed on my mind and in my heart began to open with divine clarity. Again, I am amazed at how God orchestrates everything with His perfect timing. I need the messages and lessons from the story of Mary and Martha now more than ever before. This season of my life feels like…

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  • Live Boldly

    Meet: Mary & Martha

    For the month of July we will discover some the many lessons that can be learned from studying the lives of Mary and Martha. Overview – Hospitality Mary and Martha were sisters and more importantly friends of Jesus.  Many times their home had been the Master’s place of resting and relaxing as well as a gathering place for teaching.   Making sure a guest is welcomed, warmed, and well fed requires creativity, organization, and teamwork.  Their ability to accomplish these goals made them one of the best hospitality teams in the bible.  There were always mouths to feed and work to be done.  For Martha this meant taking care of…

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  • Live Boldly

    My Special Best Friend

    We were made for friendship with God and He does not just want us to know about Him; He wants us to know Him — and to experience His friendship. I came across a site called Kid’s World and I loved the simplicity of this truth written from a child’s point of view. Dear Friend, Jesus is my Savior and my Lord; He is also my special Best Friend! Perhaps you are thinking, “Why do you say that Jesus is your special Best Friend?” I was hoping that you would ask that question! Let me tell you why He is my special Best Friend. Jesus is my special Best Friend because He knows me better…

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  • Live Boldly

    The Gift and Power of Friendship

    From the beginning of time God did not intend for us to be alone. He gave Adam a companion in Eve and He walked with talked with them in the cool of the day. We were created for relationship with God. Think about that for just a moment and take in the magnitude of that statement. The creator of the Universe wants a relationship with you. He has surrounded you with all types of friends for your own good. What a thoughtful and loving God we serve. Just knowing that you are not alone has tremendous power to overcome so many of life’s obstacles. Recognizing the gift of friendship that…

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