Every Time You Cross My Mind
………..I break out in exclamations of thanks to God.
Doesn’t that just make you feel loved and valued! Those are the words in the first chapter of Philippians and are followed by, each exclamation is a trigger to prayer.
That just makes me smile and think of those who cross my mind each day. Those thoughts are opportunities to send up a prayer for each person. Prayers of thanks, prayers of protection, prayers of comfort, prayers for salvation and many more.
Paul, the writer of Philippians, said that he prayed with joy and confidence because he knew that the good work that God started in each one would be carried on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6)
We can also have that same joy and confidence when we pray because God is faithful and the plans He made for us will come to fruition because we know that all the days ordained for us were written in His book before one of them came to be. (Psalm 139:16)
Recently there have been two fatal plane crashes involving people in our community. One of them took the lives of the owners of Heise Hot Springs which is where we spend weekends in the summer. The other took several lives of another family. Both were very tragic and my heart goes out to all the families involved.
These events reminded me that God knows the very minute that we took our first breath and when we will take our last. We wonder why these tragedies take place but we can also remember that they will serve a Godly purpose.
When we lost Brock I felt the same way wondering why someone so young would be called home. Over the years God has revealed and continues to reveal so many purposes that our circumstances served. I pray that all the families involved in these events will feel His comfort and peace and in time begin to see God’s purposes unfold. In the meantime, every time they cross my mind I can pray for them.
Many people will cross our minds this holiday season and that means that we will be blessed with many opportunities to pray and trust that God is in control and He is working in their lives.
Some of the ladies in the women’s prison will be receiving personalized prayer bibles for Christmas. I am so excited to see what God will do with each lady as they read the pages and begin to learn more and more about the God who loves them. The God who cares about them and the God who will meet them right where they are. The God who has a plan for them that will serve a purpose, even in prison. Did you know that Paul wrote the book of Philippians while in prison? See God has a purpose for us no matter where we are.
Paul’s prayer continues that our love will flourish and that we will not only love much but love well. I pray that you will know that you are thought of often, with love and confidence that God sees you, knows you and has a beautiful plan for you.
Have a very blessed day in His love!