Divine Encounters

  • Divine Encounters

    Condemning myself

    You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. – Romans 2:1 Winter weather is both good and bad for my business. With every new snow storm my phone rings with people eager to get out of the cold. But the snow also causes delays and cancelations for those already scheduled to travel. A few days after Christmas I had a family scheduled to travel on a holiday trip together before their son left for the military. On that day the airport was fogged in and then freezing…

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  • Divine Encounters

    It’s a New Year

    He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” – Revelation 21:5 Today is the start of a new day and a new year. The possiblities are endless for what can happen and be accomplished in the days ahead. As I fill in the dates on the pages of my journal, I am excited about what this year holds. I have no idea what that might be, but I know the One who does. I was reminded of my Sunshine Prophesy and wanted to share it with you again. Perhaps it will encourage you…

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  • Divine Encounters


    In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. – Luke 15:10 I recently read a post on Facebook that perfectly explained grace. It goes as follows: “The apostle Paul entered Heaven to the cheers of those he martyred. That’s how the Gospel works.” I had to re-read it several times and let it soak into my mind. I thought of Steven who was stoned while Paul looked on in approval and of the many believers that were imprisoned and tortured because Paul sought to destroy The Way. Following Jesus’ example, while they were stoning him,…

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  • Divine Encounters

    Answered Prayers

    I received a call from a woman in our church prayer group with an urgent request to pray for the daughter of another woman in the prayer group. She was in the emergency room in excruciating pain and they needed answers on where the issue was coming from. The doctor had ordered tests and a CT scan which did not reveal anything and then sent her home. The pain continued and they returned to the hospital. The mother felt led to ask for an ultrasound, which the doctor did not want to perform, but upon her insistance ordered. After the ultrasound, the girl was scheduled for immediate surgery and her…

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  • Divine Encounters

    Under Your wings

    Be good to me, God—and now!    I’ve run to you for dear life.I’m hiding out under your wings    until the hurricane blows over.I call out to High God,    the God who holds me together. Psalm 57:1-2 MSG This was the perfect verse for my day. It started well and before I knew it, everything, including time, was whirling around at what seemed like warp speed. I felt that I was racing against the clock and it was winning. Just as I began to catch up, another burst of activity began. Eventually the day came to an end and I had time to sit and reflect, that’s when I read this verse. As I…

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  • Divine Encounters

    Our attentive God

    You’ve kept track of my every toss and turn through the sleepless nights, Each tear entered in your ledger, each ache written in your book. – Psalm 56:8 MSG I am a very light sleeper and often joke with my husband that I feel like a rotisserie chicken. I toss and turn all night, thank goodness he is a deep sleeper and my constant movement doesn’t wake him up. When I read today’s verse it made me smile thinking of how attentive God is to everything about us. Nothing misses His watchful eyes. Our movements, our tears and every ache and pain, are noted by God; written in His book. Think…

  • Divine Encounters

    A Message for Me

    A few weeks ago the pastor at our church shared a message that involved the story of Joseph who was sold into Egypt. I’ve heard the story many times but on this day I heard it in a profound way that I knew was a message just for me. I thought of the relationship between Joseph and his brothers and the many different personalities, the favortism, the anger and the end results. I was convicted about times that I have complained about my own siblings and spoke about them with others. God led me to Psalm 50 which in summary says that God alone is the judge. He spoke against…

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  • Divine Encounters

    His Thoughts

    Your thoughts and plans are treasures to me, O God! I cherish each and every one of them!    How grand in scope! How many in number! If I could count each one of them, they would be more than all the grains of sand on earth. Their number is inconceivable! – Psalm 139:17-18 While reading today’s verse I had the privilege of sitting on the beach and was prompted to take a picture of a small area near me. Afterwards I ran my fingers through the sand and let the tiny grains flow through my fingers while trying to comprehend God’s message. His thoughts towards us outnumber the grains of sand. Take moment and look at…

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  • Divine Encounters

    Creative Provision

    I was recently working on a project, that I felt led by God to do, when the financial cost became more that I expected. My mind swirled with thoughts, some of which were doubts if I should continue with the project and others a bit more selfish. For a brief moment I thought of the money in my bank account as my own. Then just as quickly, I was reminded that all I have is a gift from God and it all belongs to Him. I prayed for forgiveness and resolved to trust that God would work things out, both financially and especially in my heart. First thing the next…

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  • Divine Encounters

    What might have been

    Where I live we occassionally have transients and homeless people pass through. The other day a man stopped at our house because he recognized the name on my husband’s work trailer. It turned out to be a past friend of my husband. They had hung out together during a rebellious and free spirited time in my husband’s life when they both had excessively used drugs and alcohol. My husband had the opportunity to talk with his friend for an hour or so and later shared the man’s story with me. The man had continued to use drugs and alcohol and eventually, his entire family had enough of his choices and…

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