A Different Perspective
The other day I was given a different perspective on this whole study on friendship. I was reading about Judas and trying to visualize the time he spent with Jesus.
Just like the other disciples, he was chosen by the Lord, traveled with Him, spent time with Him, was given authority over demons by Him and sent out to proclaim the Good News.
At the last supper when Jesus told His disciples that one of them would betray Him, not one person said, “I knew it! That Judas could never be trusted,” in fact, many asked Jesus if they were the one.
During the three years of Jesus’ ministry all the disciples were able to hear the teachings, share the message and perhaps even perform miracles. When Jesus sent them out two by two I wonder who was paired up with Judas. Did they become friends during their journey? Did they discover each other’s strengths and weaknesses? Did they grow closer because of that experience?
As the disciples lived and traveling together their personalities would also have to blend. They would have to learn how to work through problems, discuss questions and share experiences together.
As believers we are just like the disciples. We are called to follow Jesus and paired with other followers along the way. When the Lord pairs us with other people there is always a purpose.
Visualizing friendship in the context of two believers sent out by Jesus to share the Good News and be living examples of changed lives, gave me a different persepective, a deeper perspective, of friendship.
Friendships are pairings by God and as the bible tells us the disciples returned to Jesus from their ministry tour and told Him all they had done and taught. Friendships are part of our ministry here on earth and some day when we meet Jesus face to face, we will have the opportunity to tell Him all about them.
Be Intentional about seeing your friendships as part of your ministry

Praises & Prayers
Father, I want to thank you for opening my eyes to see frienship as a gift of ministry from You. We are here on this earth with purpose and each and every person that we meet will be a part of that purpose. What a beautiful day it will be when we get to see you again and tell You all about our friends. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Mark 6:30
The apostles returned to Jesus from their ministry tour and told him all they had done and taught.