Live Boldly

Your Story

The story of Mary Magdalene is one of my favorites. While it may seem short due to the few verses written specifically about her, the truth is that she was an eye witness to many stories that took place.

She was there walking and talking with Jesus. She was there learning from His teachings. She was there seeing the healings and restoration of so many lives and she was there to receive and witness Christ’s endless compassion.

Perhaps she was among the disciples that helped disperse the crowd after Jesus feed the 5000 with a few loaves and fish. Imagine how man people had questions. How many times do you think she shared her story and told others about the miracles that had taken place in her own life?

I thinks it’s similar to when a person answers an alter call and afterwards the pastors encourages them to get plugged in and meet with other believers. The followers of Christ have the opportunity and responsibility to come along side new believers and give them encouragement. It’s not just the pastor’s job.

Jesus sent His disciples out to share the Good News and I’m sure that the women who traveled with Him, made the most of the opportunities they had to speak with other women in the towns they traveled through with Jesus.

What are you doing with your story? When was the last time you shared it? Your story has value and purpose. God doesn’t waste anything. So share it!

Be Intentional about sharing your story with others.

Praises & Prayers

Lord, I want to thank you for giving us stories to tell. Sharing how You redeemed us and changed our lives is a great reason to shout from the roof tops. Our stories are examples of the lengths that You will go to have a relationship with us. Help to to encourage each other as we share about our amazing Savior. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Messages from His Word

Revelation 12:11

They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

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