Your Path
Lately I have been facinated with pathways whether they be on a running trail, in the hills or on the edge of a field. Each step takes you in a direction that will have its own unique views, experiences, challenges and outcomes.
Some paths are longer than others and have sections of shade and sunshine. Others have hills and valleys that while challenging, are worth the effort when you reach the summit. Still some will have sections that you walk with others and at times alone with God.
Lydia had her own life path and was where she needed to be at the exact moment she needed to be there. She used her business and her provisions from God, to further the kingdom. Her heart and home were open to wherever the Lord would lead and to whomever He would send. She was a God seeker and spent time at the river praying.
Like Lydia, we have a choice of whether or not our hearts will be open to the things of God. If we will actively and passionately seek Him and obey His will. We have been gifted with our exact place and position to serve. Our homes, jobs, churches, activities and everything else all have opportunities for us to be a witness for Christ.
What will you do with what God has given you? Who knows how many doors your willingness to see your path as a blessing from God, will open. You might not be where you thought you would be, but God knows exactly where you are. He can make good of any situation if we choose to let Him in and open our hearts.
Lydia’s willingness opened the door for the gospel to be preached for the first time in the European continent. God only know what will come from our willingness.
Be Intentional about following your God given path.

Praises & Prayers
Father, I want to thank you for the study on Lydia. For showing us that we each have our own God given path and that wherever that might lead, it can be used to futher Your Kingdom. Help us to open our hearts, homes, workplaces and the many activities in our lives to Your leading. I pray that our lives will glorify You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.