Live Boldly

Your Own Kind of Beautiful

I’ve been getting ready for our upcoming vacation and came across my travel journal. As I read about our experiences last year it felt like I was right there and the memories brought a smile to my face and excitement to be going back to the beach.

Thoughts of sunshine, sand and resort swimming pools also lead to thoughts of wearing a swimsuit in public. That always makes me cringe a bit and yet it’s part of what makes the vacations fun, the water activities.

In my notes I had mentioned all the different nationalities of people that were at the resort and so many body shapes and sizes. God is so creative. There were just as many different types of swimsuits. Some were very conservative and others quite revealing.

I have always admired the confidence that some women have to simply be themselves and be comfortable in their own skin. I am working towards that.

When my first granddaughter turned 4 years old I made her a princess dress up station out of an old entertainment center that I re purposed. I painted it a light mint green, added some butterfly decals, made room to hang up her dresses and drawers to store her jewelry, shoes and accessories. It also had a beautiful mirror so she could see her reflection and above the mirror were the words, “Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful.”

That’s exactly what I want for both of my granddaughters, to be their own kind of beautiful and that’s what I need to be for myself and them. I get to be an example to them of knowing that our identity is found in Christ. I get to live out what I know is true as an example to them.

Thinking about what a great responsibility that is helps me to not only want that for them, but to choose it for myself as well. When I feel hesitant about my self image, I need to remember that I never want them to feel that way. I want them to remember that God made them exactly the way they are and He does amazing work.

He uses words to describe us like, masterpiece, beloved, daughter and bride. He said that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. That description should definitely change the way we see ourselves and give us the confidence to walk in His truth. We are all unique creations and unique means existing as the only one. So by definition we are designer originals and therefore we truly are our own kind of beautiful.

So bring on the beach, sun and sand because they are amazing creations too. Thank you Lord for an opportunity to walk in confidence before You.

My prayer

Father, thank you for creating me exactly as You did. Help me to see myself the way You do and know without a doubt that my identity is in You alone. I want to teach my granddaughters that their worth and value are in You and I pray I can teach by example as well. You give me confidence. You give me my own kind of beautiful. Thank you Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen

Where does my help come from?

Psalm 139:14

” I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Ephesians 2:10

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

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