Working Girl
One of the ways that I can relate with Lydia is that she was a business woman. She not only managed her household, but she ran a thriving business as well.
It’s not easy working outside the home. Sometimes it’s a deliberate choice and other times a necessity. Regardless, the additional pressures to succeed add to an already full plate of responsibilites.
What I admire about Lydia is that as a believer she used her business to support the cause. She not only sold her purple cloth – she served her Savior. She stayed in business so she would have the money to help God’s servants in their ministry and her home became a place where traveling missionaries could find encouragement, rest, food and shelter.
You might ask yourself, “How can my job serve the Lord?” The answer is in many ways. It may be by giving financially to those in need or however the Lord leads you. It may be in the way you respond to people with kindness. It can be in any way that the Lord directs you.
When I find myself getting grouchy and frustrated at my job, I have to take a moment and say to myself, “Do it as if for God.” That phrase quickly changes my attitude.
Would I respond the same way if God was asking me for help? Would I be more willing to give if God Himself had His hand out? When I answer the phone, would my response be kinder and more patient if God was on the other end of the line?
God has purposes that will include our jobs both outside and inside the home. Both are gifts from God and with the right heart and attitude they will bring glory to Him.
Be Intentional about honoring God at home and on the jobsite.

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for the many jobs You provide both at home and outside the home. Help us to do them as if doing them for You. I pray our hearts and attitude will reflect the love we have for You and our desire to serve in any way that furthers Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Colossians 3:23-24
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.