Live Boldly

Women of Character

What does it mean to be a woman of character? When I googled that question the first response I received was; being a woman of character means to think of others. To not live day by day for only yourself, be a change. That statement was immediately followed with the question, “who taught you how to be a woman of character?”

The Bible teaches us how to live as woman with Godly character. It’s through our everyday experiences that God refines us and develops the Godly character that will reflect in the world around us.

We are living in a time like never before. We need genuine people with integrity and with the right motives. Our society needs people who are hardworking, diligent and those who want to pursue God. Women who have those characteristics stand out in their circles of influence and will affect change.

Women with Godly character are woman with humility. They do not exalt themselves, instead they are willing to give themselves to whatever God wants them to be. They do not hold grudges or take up offense. Women of virtue are those who forgive and love.

A woman with Godly character is more precious than any earthly treasure.

Be Intentional about being a Woman of Godly Character

Praises & Prayers

Father, thank you for the refining that You do in our lives to make us more like You. Help us to willingly submit to Your work in us and I pray that we will become Women with Godly character who make a difference for You in our homes, our communities and our world. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Messages from His Word

Proverbs 31:10 – MSG

An excellent woman [one who is spiritual, capable, intelligent, and virtuous], who is he who can find her?
Her value is more precious than jewels and her worth is far above rubies or pearls.

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