Wise Men Still Seek Him
You’ve no doubt heard the TV commercial that asks, “What you would do for a Klondike bar?” Sometimes is silly to think about what we would do for something as insignificant as ice cream, but the truth is that people can do some pretty extreme things to get what they desire.
The wise men that journeyed to see Jesus, the newborn King, traveled hundreds of miles. Their dedication to see Him for themselves and bring gifts was so intense that nothing could stop them. Imagine their surprise when they arrived in Jerusalem and asked about the newborn king and learned that King Herod and all Jerusalem didn’t even know that He had been born.
Those living closest to where the prophesy was to take place and the people who said they were waiting for the Messiah weren’t even looking. They weren’t seeking Him. In fact, the bible tells us they were disturbed when the Wise Men told them about the star they had been following. At the time of their arrival Jesus would have been between one and two years old.
When the Wise Men finally found Him, they responded with joy, worship and gifts. All the time, effort and costs involved in their efforts to find Him paid off more than expected when they met the Savior of the world. What a contrast from Herod and the leaders of the Jews who responded with fear and insecurity.
What are you willing to do to have a relationship with Jesus? Are you willing to give up the things that try to hold you back from drawing close to Him? Are you willing to sacrifice time, money and comforts if need be to meet Him?
Seeking Him means that you have a desire to obtain a relationship with Him. Our world today is not so different from Jerusalem over 2000 years ago. Some will fear Him, but wise men still seek Him.
Be Intentional about seeking Jesus.

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for Your Word and the stories that inspire us. Help us to desire You and seek You above anything else. Thank you for the joy it gives us to find You and worship You. The gifts we bring are hearts that are fully devoted to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.