Wintered Well
Over the weekend I witnessed many people reuniting after a long winter. All throughout the campground resort area, snowbirds were reconnecting and sharing their winter experiences.
Our 81 year old neighbor Warren arrived after a long drive from Arizona to begin settling in for a new season. Even his dog Charlie and our dog Missy were rubbing noses and getting reacquainted.
Several times as we walked through the golf course we heard, “Hello neighbor,” and saw handshakes and hugs. It was exciting to see how many of the staff members were also back for another season. My heart was very grateful for the atmosphere of fellowship, friendship and feeling like we had returned home.
One of my neighbors named Johnna mentioned that she had “wintered well,” but the truth was she had an extremely painful winter; she had lost her daughter to an accidental overdose. She was thankful for the weekend retreats that would bring peaceful moments and time for healing.
Another neighbor DeVaughn arrived with a smile on his face and new cane in his hand having just had a heart attack one month before. He too mentioned how he was excited to return to his place by the river to heal and rejuvenate. He was home and at his happy place.
As I thought about all of this it made me think of how the disciples must have felt after then had been sent out by Jesus and then returned. Sharing stories of their adventures and ready for a time of renewing and fellowship.
When Jesus sent out the disciples He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name,” to which Jesus replied, “do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” (Luke 10)
Someday there is going to be a many reunions in heaven. Times where we will be renewing our friendships and sharing stories about our life adventures. There will be stories of triumph over tragedies, healing from all types of diseases and ailments and stories of adventures that took us to distant places.
Heaven will be a place of fellowship, renewing and joy. A place with friends and loved ones and best of all Jesus. A place where we can say we “wintered well,” and now we’re home.
My prayer
Father, thank you for all the reuniting over the last few weekends. It does feel like we’re home and the fellowship is amazing. I pray for those who are hurting and healing. Touch their hearts and bodies and give them the time and rest that they need. Thank you for the hope of heaven. Knowing that someday, we will return to You and have the best reunion ever. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Where does my help come from?
The song, “Well Done,” by the Afters
What will it be like when my pain is gone
And all the worries of this world just fade away?
What will it be like when You call my name
And that moment when I see You face to face?
I’m waiting my whole life to hear You say Well done, well done
My good and faithful one
Welcome to the place where you belong
Well done, well done
My beloved child
You have run the race and now you’re home
Welcome to the place where you belong
What will it be like when tears are washed away
And every broken thing will finally be made whole?
What will it be like when I come into Your glory
Standing in the presence of a love so beautiful?
I’m waiting my whole life for that day
I will live my life to hear You say Well done, well done
My good and faithful one
Welcome to the place where you belong
Well done, well done
My beloved child
You have run the race and now you’re home
Welcome to the place where you belong