Who Would You Rather Answer To?
Earlier this week my husband shared a very powerful moment that he had experienced. For quite some time he has known that he needed to change certain areas of his life, give them up and obey God’s leading.
He has been blessed with a strong will and at times we joke about the stubborn Swed in him. One day while watching a message by Billy Graham’s grandson he was very convicted and knew it was time to change.
In the message the comment was made that if God asks us to change and if we choose to listen to the world which says it’s okay to remain, at some point we are going to have to answer to someone. Who would you rather answer to?
As Tracy shared this with me he said, “I will be answering to God someday about my choices. I need to change.” Those words brought us both to tears and I knew with everything in me that God was working a miracle in us and prayers were being answered.
That Divine Encounter though a message on TV was given at the exact time and moment that God intended. Right when Tracy’s heart was ready to receive it.
About the same time I received my own Divine message stating, “I am preparing you for what is on the road ahead, just around the bend. Take time to be still in My presence so that I can strengthen you.” Instantly when I received that message I knew that God’s plans were moving in our lives.
We prayed together and we know that the road ahead will have it’s struggles and difficulties, but since God has called us to it, He will bring us through it.
Thank you Lord!