Who would like to pray?
How many times have you heard those words, “Who would like to pray?” As a child when that question was asked I would look away hoping that I would not be asked because I didn’t want to pray in front of people. I would say my bedtime prayers, but I didn’t understand it as anything but asking God to protect my family and thanking Him for them.
I was also taught that as a girl I didn’t have the authority to pray for certain circumstances. Those situations were left to men with that authority. As I grew older my prayers were more of asking for His help when I would get myself in sticky situations and quick, but insincere requests for forgiveness.
That all changed one day when two strangers prayed for my family at the hospital. I will never forget their words. They prayed that my family would come to know the Lord through our situation and that we would be together again. Our situation was that my youngest son was in the hospital being treated for cancer. I was with him while my husband was at home with our oldest son as he worked and our son went to school.
The other thing that I will never forget about that prayer was the way they prayed. They prayed as if they were talking with their best friend. The words were not rehearsed, forced or for show. It was a beautiful thing to witness them talking with God and I believed that He heard their request. I remember thinking, “I want that! I want to be that comfortable talking with God.”
Prayer is exactly that, talking with God. As I began to learn more about Him and His character I learned that He loves to hear from us and that everyone can pray. Jesus is the One with the power and authority for every situation. He wants us to share everything with Him and we can without fear. I also learned that He already knows everything about what I’m telling Him which makes it so much easier when I can’t find the words to express myself.
At first I didn’t understand what it meant to pray continually, but I learned that it is part of being in a relationship with Christ. Just like in my marriage, my husband and I talk with each other throughout the day. We share our thoughts and struggles and the joys of life. My husband is my best friend and I’m eager to share things with him.
God is even more eager to hear all about our day, our concerns and those moments that catch our attention and we can share them with Him by talking with Him in prayer. How many times have you thought about what it will be like when you meet Jesus face to face? We look forward to that moment and sometimes even think of questions we would ask Him. We can talk to Him now, here on earth, anytime.
The other night a super moon was on display and shining so brightly it caught my full attention. In that moment I simply said, “Wow Lord, You are amazing!” Later that night when I was praying over dinner and again when I went to bed I was still talking with God.
No matter where we are, we can pray. Sitting down, standing up, walking, kneeling or face down on the floor, the position doesn’t matter, it’s the relationship that matters.
He is always available to listen, to counsel, to love, to comfort, to forgive and to celebrate with us. There is no better friend than Jesus. So the next time you hear the words, “Who would like to pray?” it really means, “Who would like to talk with Jesus?” and I hope you say, “I do!”
My Prayer
Father, thank you for always being available to talk with me. I’m so grateful for the two men that showed me what a prayer relationship with You can be like. To think that the God of the universe wants to hear from us and communicate with us is amazing. Help us to let go of anything that hinders our prayers to You and to know that we get the privilege of continually communicating with the One and Only, Savior of the World, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. In Jesus name, amen.
Where does my help come from?
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
Romans 8:26-27
“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.”