Live Boldly

Where are You Looking?

In Acts 3: 1-10 there is a story that is titled, “The Lame Beggar Healed.” (ESV) It’s about a man who had been crippled since birth and who was begging for alms. “As Peter and John were about to enter the temple courts the man asked them for money. Peter looked straight at him, as did John, then Peter said, “Look at us!””

Try to picture the scene in your mind. “The man had been carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts.” This was his daily routine so much so that he wasn’t even looking at the people he was asking for money. It had become such a way of life for him that he simply said the words at those passing by and wanted to be supported in the condition that he was in.

When Peter boldly told the man to look at him, do you think the man was surprised to be noticed? Surprised that some actually was talking to him instead of hurrying past? Whatever was going through the man’s mind the word said “that the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them.”

Have you ever felt or acted like this man? Caught in a routine of believing that your present situation is as good as it gets? Have you ever experienced a pity party? I have, many times. In those pity parties I can only see what is making me unhappy or uncomfortable and I can really cripple myself from being available for anything else because I’m so caught up in my own problems. My focus is on myself and what I think others should be doing about it.

This story is a great reminder that in those moments, I need to look to Jesus. In Psalm 123:1 it says, “I lift my eyes to you.” The minute that the man’s focus changed, his life changed. Yes this was an incredible healing miracle, but Jesus can also heal us from, self-pity, pride, jealousy, anger and anything else that is hindering our walk with Him.

When we hold on to those mindsets was are choosing to remain in a crippled condition and we often beg for others to sympathize with us and support us in our misery. That only makes it worse. The one we should be begging from is Jesus. Begging Him for wisdom to see the situation through Godly eyes, for forgiveness for our wrong hearts and attitudes and for direction to follow Him.

When we give Him our full attention we can expect that we will receive something. We will receive His forgiveness, His peace, His love and His guidance. That is Godly healing and it’s a miracle that is available every time we look to Him.

My Prayer

Father, thank you that You still perform miracles everyday. I realize that I cripple myself with wrong desires and selfish motives and those things take my focus from You, where it should be, and place it completely on myself. Please forgive me and help me to remember that You are the One I should be looking to and focused on. You have lessons in the struggles and You will bring me through. I want to walk with You Lord. Help me to follow You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Where does my help come from?

Psalm 121: 1-2

“I lift up my eyes to the hills.
    From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
   who made heaven and earth. “

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