What’s In A Name?
Our names are an incredibly important part of our identity. They carry deep personal, cultural, familial, and historical connections. They also give us a sense of who we are, the communities in which we belong, and our place in the world.
In the bible when a person was given a name it carried huge significance.
- A biblical name could record some aspects of a person’s birth.
- Biblical names sometimes expressed the parents’ reaction to the birth of their child.
- Biblical names were sometimes used to secure the solidarity of family ties.
- Biblical names could be used to communicate God’s message.
- Biblical names were also used to establish an affiliation with God.
- Biblical names are given to establish authority over another, or to indicate a new beginning or new direction in a person’s life.
As you can see, biblical names were very important. The definition of Dorcas is a gazelle – an emblem of beauty and graceful. Another definition is as panting after the water brooks, seeking everything in God; expressive of tender love.
Dorcas lived up to to her name. She expressed love to everyone in need by using the giftings that God had blessed her with. Imagine how the widows must have felt to be wrapped in a beautiful robe made just for them. God was providing for their needs through the hands of a willing graceful woman.
Regardless of what your earthly name is, you have a name that fills every description listed above. That name is BELOVED. As a believer you are blessed to be known, cared for, seen, gifted and treasured by the King of Kings.
What a beautiful destiny we have before us as we live in our full God given potential, knowing that our identity and purpose are rooted in our loving God and Father.
Be Intentional about living as one beloved of God.

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for giving us the name as Your beloved. What a beautiful identity and I pray that we will live our lives knowing the truth, devotion and passion that are behind that name that You’ve given to us. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Proverbs 22:1
“A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold.”