What Inspires Your Service?
As a nation, we just celebrated Labor Day. A day set aside to pay tribute to working men and women. Each day we rise either to the sound of an alarm clock, children, pets or by habit to begin a new day of service.
That service may include our duties for our families, our homes, our jobs, the church we attend or the communities were we live. With so many options and so many different reasons to serve, it’s helpful to remember what should inspire our service.
Yes it’s great to receive a paycheck and recognition especially if you are doing something you enjoy. But even deeper than those momentary rewards is where the real purpose of service, as a believer exists. Because He loves us. In Christ we have the perfect example of what service, inspired by love is all about.
Because He loves us He came to earth to teach and show us what a relationship with God looks like.
Because He loves us He showed us by example how to serve.
Because He loves us He endured hardships so we can know with assurity that our God understands when we go through trials.
Because He loves us He weeps with us in our loss.
Beause He loves us He promised to never leave us nor forsake us – we are never alone.
Because He loves us we can trust in His promises.
Because He loves us we have a hope for the future.
Because He loves us He forgave us.
Because He loves us He died for us.
True service comes from a heart of love. A heart that has received Jesus as Lord and Savior. A heart that desires to follow Him. A heart that is inspired by the love and grace of Christ.
Be Intentional about serving from a heart of love.

Praises & Prayers
Lord, I thank you for Your example of heart felt, loving service. I pray that it will be what inspires me to serve others. Help me to remember Your incredible sacrifice for me when I’m called to sacrifice for others. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Mark 10:45
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.