Live Boldly

What are you doing with your day?

 When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?” Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” – John 21: 21-22

My Monday morning started with a strong dose of reality. After stepping on the scales way to many times I finally realized that it was not going to give me the number or the validation that I was looking for. Instead of stopping right there and taking my thoughts and actions captive, I proceeded to mentally complain about what my husband was doing or not doing on his time off. My thoughts then spiraled into judging others for their responses at a recent meeting and before I knew it my day was off to a very bad start.

Thankfully God asked me, “What are you doing with your day?”

Truthfully, I was wasting it on all the wrong things. My validation comes from God alone and as soon as I spoke words of truth to myself, the scale lost it’s power over me. Next I was reminded that each day is a gift and we only get one chance to make this moment the best it can possibly be. Why am I wasting precious time complaining about and judging others? Nothing good will come from that way of thinking.

My complaining and judging is nothing more than rationalizing my own level of devotion to God, to work and to my own idea of what is important and who am I to judge another man’s servant? They are God’s servants, not mine. They are responsible to him, not to me. Let him tell them whether they are right or wrong.  (Romans 14:4)

In today’s verse the apostle Peter asked, “What about him?” referring the John, but Jesus told him that rather than concerning himself with what others were doing, he should focus on following Him. Rather than compare our lives, actions and devotion with others, we too should do as Jesus said and be concerned about how we are following Christ.

For the rest of the day, every time I was tempted to complain or judge, I would hear the words, “And what are you doing with your day?” I don’t want this day to be wasted on things that draw me away from the love, joy and peace that is available. This is a day that the Lord has made, I want to rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

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