Walk this way
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21
I’ve been watching Little House On The Prairie reruns and one episode came to mind when I read this verse. There was an old blind man who lived on a mountain with his son. Charles and Laura had been hunting and he was shot by accident when his loaded gun was tipped over. It was up to Laura and the old man to go for help since the man’s son was away checking traps.
Laura had eyes to see and the old man had knowledge and memory of the landscape. As the man listened to Laura’s leading he knew which way to go and together they were able to scale the mountains and eventually bring back the needed help.
Often we are just like the old man in this story, we can’t see all the details about the mountain sized challenges that we face. But, we serve a God who can see everything that lies ahead and who is willing and able to gently guide us every step of the way.
We have the choice of setting off on our own understanding and trying to make it through in our own strength, or we can listen to the voice of the One who tell us, “This is the way, walk in it.” He will never lead us astray or abandon us, especially when we need Him the most. And we can know with assurity that we will make it through whatever challenges we are called to face.