Sarah and Elizabeth were both women in the Bible who waited a long time for God’s promises to be fulfilled. How they spent their time waiting had a long lasting effect not only on them, but the world.
Both women were waiting for the same thing, a child. One took matters into her own hands and the other patiently waited for God’s will. I can relate to both responses.
I want to hurry along the promise, but the truth is, the waiting is what prepares me to receive it. It’s in the waiting that I learn to trust God especially when I don’t see progress, results, healing or relief.
During the waiting is when Godly chararacter is developed. Take patience for instance. You can learn patience while waiting for everything. How you spend your time in a check out line, for dinner to cook or in a doctor’s office.
In the case of Sarah and Elizabeth, and every other mother, you know that you will need patience when dealing with a child, so choosing to refine your character while waiting will better equip you to receive the promises of God.
Rather than letting impatience tempt you to take matters into your own hands, you can choose to see your circumstances with a heart that desires to learn all that God has for you along the way. After all, the point of this journey is who you will become on the way, not just the destination where you will arrive.
Be Intentional about developing Godly character in the waiting.

Praises & Prayers
Father, Please forgive me for my impatience. Help me to see the waiting as part of the process in preparing me for what You have in store. I want to develop Godly character and I pray that I will submit and wait patiently for Your perfect timing. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Psalm 27:14
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord.