At some time in our lives we have all felt that life was unfair. Something that we worked so hard for was easily given to someone else. Opportunities were offerred to others because of who they knew not what they could accomplish. Troubles always seen to fall us and we just can’t catch a break. If you’ve had any of those thoughts you know what it feels like when life is unfair.
In our own circumstances it’s easy for us to judge what is fair and what is unfair. But when we look at them through our limited view we can miss God’s provision, protection and blessing especially in the unfairness of life.
When we ask the question, “Why is this happening?”, as a believer we might even add the qualifier that we are now living a changed life and that should warrant a different outcome, we feel that we deserve better. Thinking those thoughts can quickly lead us to a place of self pity and bitterness.
The truth is that life is unfair for everyone. But before we settle in on that truth and justify our thoughts and behavior we need to remember that this life was also unfair for Jesus.
Was it fair for Him to have to die for us? Was it fair for Him to carry our sins and to suffer for them? Was it fair for Him to be rejected, beaten, spit upon and humiliated? Did He deserve any of that? No.
But through the many acts of unkindness that He endured, He showed us how to respond. In the Garden of Gethsemane He prayed three times for the cup of unfairness to be taken away, but it served a much greater purpose because it wasn’t. If that was true for our Saviour, it can be true for us.
What good purposes can come from the unfairness you have or are experiencing in your life? What lessons have you learned? How has your faith grown? What new characteristic has been developed or refined in your life?
I recently read the quote, “God isn’t picking on me. God is picking me to personally live out one of His promises and that when we are disappointed, He is teaching us that disappointments can bring us to God ordained appointments.”
The beauty in unfairness comes when we can turn it around and say as Jesus did, “Not my will but thine be done.” It’s in that moment that we begin to experience the provision and promises of God.
Growing up I often felt unaccepted. No matter how hard I tried to receive acceptance I always felt that I didn’t measure up. It felt unfair because of the amount of time and effort that I gave. But when I became a believer I realized that in the unfairness of unacceptance is where I was most ready to accept Christ.
If I had been treated fairly and been accepted for my efforts I wouldn’t have be open to the love and acceptance that Jesus was offering to me. I would have been content to stay there and live according to the every changing approval of others.
Thank you Lord for the unfairness…..it brought me to You!!
What is God trying to show and teach you in the unfairness in your life? Can you see that unfairness as a way that God is going to help you receive His provision and live fully in His promises? If so, you too can thank Him for the unfairness because it will bring you closer to Him.
Be Intentional about seeing God in your circumstance.

Prayers & Praises
Father, I thank you for the trials, the afflictions and the unfairnessess of life that drawn us to You. I pray that we will choose to see these things as opportunities to live in Your generous provision and promises. Thank you Lord for using it all for good. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.