Trust Me
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight. – Proverbs 3:5-6
This Royal Make Over has been quite the journey and I’m finding that the easy stuff was just for the beginning. Now it’s time to dig deep and to address issues that are far below the surface.
I thought it was difficult giving up foods that previously had my full attention and the withdrawal from resisting them was a whole new experience. But as hard as that was, the next steps are proving to be much more difficult, but I believe they will end up being much more rewarding.
I’ve lost half the weight I was hoping to and I’m beginning to understand that the second half is going to require much more sacrifice and not in the food or exercise categories. The next step is to address the emotional issues of anger, bitterness, ambition and pride. Those all add weight that I’m not meant to carry.
On top of that God is asking me to let go of anything and everything that I run to more than Him. In a study I have been repeating throughout this process there is a quote that reads, “If we find that certain foods are impossible to walk away from – we can’t or won’t deny ourselves an unhealthy choice – then it’s a clue we are being ruled by this food on some level. Being ruled by something other than God diminishes our commitment and will make us feel increasingly distant from Him.”
Over the last several weeks God has been speaking to me about something I run to, my get-away, my retreat which I have depended on more than Him and it’s time to give it up. Yes, He is telling me it’s time to let go of my weekend summer retreat.
My response to His request only solidifies my dependence on this place and my need to release it. It’s crazy to think of the many things that we become dependent on instead of turning to God. Yes, this is going to be difficult. Yes, I’ve cried many tears. But I have to trust that God knows what is best and not lean on my own desires or understanding.
Through it all I clearly hear Him say, “Trust me.”