Live Boldly

Trace the fear back to the blessing

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20

What an incredible night the Lord gave me at Grief Share. The topic was on fear and the program made the following comment, “Trace the fear back to the blessing.” It was at that moment the Lord gave me words to speak.

I shared about my fears when Brock was nearing death. I prayed that I wouldn’t be alone and that he wouldn’t be in pain. The overwhelming fear of losing him was always on my mind. How would I live without him? How could I carry on?

Thinking of each fear and beginning the process of tracing them back to the blessing proved to be a beautiful testimony of God’s faithfulness.

On the day that Brock went home to be with Jesus, each and every fear was quieted by God. My husband was home with me and when the time came, Brock went peacefully while in my arms. After returning home from the mortuary I listened to one of Brock’s music tapes and the first song, which was sung by a choir of children who sounded like angels, said, “Arise shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” In that moment I knew that in the same second Brock closed his eyes on earth, he opened them in heaven and was greeted by a heavenly host who were praising God and welcoming him home.

Testifying to all those present at the meeting of our God’s loving kindness, filled my heart again with the peace that has sustained me over the years. It was powerful. It was heartfelt and it spoke truth.

We serve a good God. One who sees the whole picture and yet still comforts us in the midst of our limited view. One who showers us with blessing along the way to give us hope and assurance that one day, He will make all things new.

Thank you Lord! For every word, every memory and every moment. You are faithful. You are loving. You are My God, My Everything.

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