Live Boldly

Tomorrow’s Forecast

I was watching the evening news the other day and the weather man said that the following day’s forecast would be sunny and bird’s would be singing. What a perfect forecast! It made me smile and excited for the next day.

About 5:00 am the next morning I could hear the birds singing. They sounded so pretty that I laid in bed for a while just listening. There were several different songs they sang and so many different types of birds.

The sun was just starting to rise above the mountains and the colors of the sunrise were golden. It was quite a site to see. One of those moments that you simply say, “Thank you Lord.”

Throughout the day while the sun was shining, I would remember the forecast and smile. I also noticed how having that message on my mind the night before created such positive anticipation for the next day. I imagine that is how God sees His word working in us.

He has given us the message of hope with the promise of peace. No matter what may lie ahead we have His strength to face the day. I’m confident that there is always something good in each day. Sometimes it takes quite a bit more searching to find it, but its there.

The bible says, “This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24) Regardless of what the day may bring we have reason to rejoice. We are loved and we are saved by our precious Savior, Jesus Christ. We have the future promise of life with Him in heaven and His daily presence here on earth. Now that’s something to be excited about.

My Prayer

Father, thank you for the beautiful sunrises and the singing birds. More importantly thank you for Your love, hope and promises. You have given us an eternal future to look forward too and in the meantime, we have opportunities to see You throughout each day. Open our eyes to see and our hearts to rejoice knowing that You are watching over us. I love You Lord! In Jesus name, amen.

Where does my help come from?

Psalm 118:24

” This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

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