Live Boldly

This Storm

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. Mark 4:39

I was reading the study notes that go along with the story of the disciples in the storm at sea and felt very convicted by them. The disciples had witnessed Jesus feeding thousands of people with a few loaves and fish. They had seen Him raise the dead, touch the untouchables, speak words of healing from a distance and open the eyes of the blind. Yet in this storm they panicked. Fear overcame them at the sudden change in the skies which brought strong winds and threatened to overturn their boat. Meanwhile, Jesus slept at the helm, completely at peace in the midst of the storm.

It made me think about how many incredible miracles Jesus has done in my own life. Redemption being the biggest. But He has also healed me, comforted me, restored hope, abundantly provided for me, and so much more. Yet, when a storm brewed in my life last week I panicked and gave way to fear. Jesus’ words to His disciples in the boat rang out to me, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?”

He is absolutely right! With Jesus, I have nothing to fear! He knows full well what each day will bring and has already provided everything I will need to go through each day victoriously! Yes, victoriously! Not by the skin of my teeth, or barely able, but victoriously!

When I read that passage and sat down with my Jesus, I instantly received grace, peace, truth, and understanding that it is He who fights my battles. He is the One in control and no matter how the winds blow and the storm rages, I am never alone. He is right there with me, saying “Peace, be still.”

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