Thermometers or Thermostats
In Your presence is fullness of joy. – Psalm 16:11

Are you a joyful person? Do others see you and wonder where your joy comes from? As I read these questions I took a deep look at myself and knew that I wasn’t as joy-filled as I would like to be. All too often I allow discouragement, fear, and anxiousness to dictate the amount of joy in my life. Today’s passage tells us where we will find real joy, consistent joy, and fullness of joy. It’s found in the presence of the Lord.
I read a very interesting article about joy by Warren Wiersbe that said, “Some people are thermometers, going up and down with the temperature. Others, however, are thermostats, regulating and changing their surroundings. The apostle Paul was a thermostat. He knew how to be content in every situation. Even after he was severely beaten and thrown into prison, his spirits didn’t sag; he spent his time praying and singing. So did his companion Silas. And all the other prisoners heard them. What was their secret?”
“Their secret was that instead of looking at Jesus through the lens of their circumstances, they regarded their circumstances with the perspective of Jesus. Paul decided to be joyful despite his circumstances, he even sang in chains which served to advance the gospel by piquing the curiosity of his captors and equipping other believers to talk about Jesus with greater confidence.”
Joy is a by-product of a Spirit-filled life. When we cast our cares upon God, we receive freedom from worry and fear. As we pray, God’s peace guards our hearts and minds. The answers we seek may not be immediate, but in taking our concerns to God – in praying moment by moment, we enter His presence, the place where there is fullness of joy.
We get to choose whether we will be a thermometer, where our joy is up and down, dictated by circumstances, or if we will be a thermostat, constant, set and content finding joy in every situtation because we know it will serve God’s good, pleasing and perfect will.
I want to be a woman of God, a Daughter of The King who reflects the joy of the Lord – whatever may come. My dependence needs to be on Him as I remain in Him and focus on Him because together, we’ve got this.