The World Is Not A Stage

It is much easier to fit in with the world around us than it is to stand out and live differently as Jesus called us to do. But as true disciples of Christ we know that our lives will be more blessed when we follow His instructions. The lifestyle that Jesus described in the Sermon on the Mount is the complete opposite of what is accepted and expected in the world we live in.
Jesus began His message by saying, “You have heard it said”….. and then added, “But I say.” He made it very clear that His ways are not the world’s ways and His instructions for His followers will be radically different from world views, which will make us stand out as beacons of hope and light to others.

Be especially careful when you are trying to be good so that you don’t make a performance out of it. It might be good theater, but the God who made you won’t be applauding. When you do something for someone else, don’t call attention to yourself. Matthew 6:1-2

Last week the news shared about a famous athlete that donated millions to my favorite charity, Make-A-Wish. I was excited to hear that knowing firsthand how that organization helps families. We’ve also seen countless televised events that raise money for multiple causes. It’s wonderful to see people be generous with what they’ve been given. But there are even more behind the scene acts of giving that go unnoticed by the masses, but that is seen by God.
Several months ago, I was speaking with a homeless man named Don that lives in my neighborhood and was giving him a bag of apples from my tree. I asked him about a man that had spent the night under the overpass nearby and had a bag of apples for him as well. To my surprise, Don had already spoken to the man and supplied him with a blanket, cardboard to place on the cold concrete, and a cup of coffee.
Don shared with me about another man that was staying by a dumpster at a nearby gas station. He said that the young man had nothing and hadn’t eaten in days, so he gave him a can of chili that he had in the truck he lives in. He then shared with me some of the survival skills he had learned over the years while being homeless.
The story of the woman who put all she had into the offering plate came to mind. I was giving apples out of the abundance that I had. Don was giving away his own blanket and food, things that he needed to survive. His generosity was not broadcast on social media or the evening news, but it was just as generous to those who received it because it met their immediate needs. It warmed a destitute man in the bitter cold and it quieted the hunger pains in a young man. Both knew that they were seen and it was by God who was working through Don.
Don’s example is today’s passage in action. Giving, not to be seen, but to simply and lovingly fulfill a need.