The Weigh In
“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. – Matthew 6:24

Over the years I have tried many different diet programs. Some have been restrictive and regulated while others have had a free for all type of approach. All have had the dreaded weigh in with suggestions of weighing once a week to weighing in daily to get over your fear of the scale.
That last one not only caught my attention but highlighted a much bigger problem than fear, it broadcasat my dependence on the scale and it’s results above the truth of God.
I was allowing the scale to dictate how I felt about myself. You can only imagine how amplified that became when I went from weekly weigh ins to looked at the scale everyday for approval. Just like the numbers on the scale, my approval rating went up and down which created a complete mess in my emotional and spiritual well being. I was clearly serving the wrong master.
When I began to place my daily dependence where it should be I started to see myself more and more the way that God sees me. It’s definitely a process and one that is going to take all the Fruits of The Spirit to overcome, but it’s worth every bit of effort that’s required.
Like everything else in life, we are going to have to make a decision on who we will serve and honor with our choices because we cannot serve both God and ourselves. The weigh ins that we should be concerned about are how we are weighing in on obedience to God? How are we weighing in on taking Him at His word? How are we weighing in on trusting Him? How are we weighing in on living each day in His presence and how are we growing in the Fruits of His Holy Spirit? The results of those weigh ins will reveal our true mental, physical and spiritual condition.