The Unknown
It’s very common in the Travel Industry for people to venture into the unkown. My first international trip was to Europe when I was 17 years old. I had never been out of the country and I was wide eyed and eager to see different cultures, try new foods and explore historical sights.
I was very naive and had no idea what to expect. Of course I would imagine what I would see and how much fun I would have, but nothing truly prepared me for the adventure.
One of the things that surprised me the most was that you could be in one country for breakfast and in a completely different one for lunch. That meant that the languages were different, the currency was different, the food was different and the people were different.
When I think of Ruth I wonder how often she recalled the stories that Naomi must have told about her homeland. Trying to mentally prepare herself for the changes by visualizing the scenery and thinking about the different customs. Yet with all the mental preparation, she was still venturing into the unknown.
We are often faced with other, sometimes not so pleasant, versions of the unknown. Unknows like, where will I get the money I need to pay the bills? Or, why is this happening? What will the test results mean? How am I physically going to be able to do this?
The answer is that we will never fully be able to prepare for any of our unknowns. That’s why it’s so important to give them to God because……. He Knows!
I admire the confident faith that Ruth exhibited as she boldly left the life she knew for eveything unknown. The culture would be different, the food different, the language different, but what stayed the same was the God she committed to follow.
Jesus is our constant and in a world full of unknows it is such a relief to have a Savior, A Father, A Lord and a Savior that remains the same yesterday, today and forever.
Be Intentional about holding on to what is known….our Lord & Savior.. Jesus Christ.

Praises & Prayers
Lord, I thank you for the adventures that are joyful and exciting even though they may be unknown, but more importantlly I thank you for being my confidence, my rock, my firm foundation when I have to face the unknown. I trust you Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.