The Right Place
Have you every had moments when you knew without a doubt that you were in the right place at the right time with details falling into place in only ways that God Himself could have orchestrated?
That’s exactly what happened to Paul and Lydia. Paul had been obedient to go exactly where the Holy Spirit was leading him and Lydia was worshiping God on the Sabbath in the only place that made sense with other believers.
Their paths crossed and God’s will was done. The doors were flung wide open for an entire continent to hear the message of the Gospel.
Not only was Lydia in the right place at the right time, but her heart was open to pay attention and receive. It was the perfect combination for a new life in Christ to begin.
I wonder how many opportunities from God I’ve miss when I attend church but my heart and mind are on other things. I know there have been times when God wanted to speak to me, but my heart wasn’t in a place where I could hear Him.
Lydia’s example reminds me that it may not be only myself, but many others who would benefit if I was at the right place, at the right time with the heart ready to pay attention and receive.
Be Intentional about being where God leads and having an open heart.

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for both the invitations to go and the commands to go. I pray that my heart will be sensitive to Your leading and open to recieve whatever You have for me. Help me to remember that it’s not just about me. Others will benefit from your plans and purposes. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Acts 16:14
One of them, Lydia, was a business woman originally from Thyatira. She made a living buying and selling fine purple fabric. She was a true worshiper of God and listened to Paul with special interest. The Lord opened her heart to take in the message with enthusiasm.