The Right Direction
As a little kid I really enjoyed field trips. They were a time to get out of the regular classroom and experience something first hand. The excitement is still the same now that I’m older when God gives me opportunities to learn things in the field.
I arrived in Cozumel a week before Carnival was to start. The small town of San Miguel was preparing for the celebration in a big way. Statues of jesters, masked dancers and many other figures lined the sea walls and banners and balloons were hanging from many of the small shops that lined the streets. Everyone was talking about Carnival and the crowning of the king and queen that would take place in one week.
In the town square vendors were constructing booths to sell their wares and stages were being built for the many concerts that would take place. Carnival style rides were being arranged and the palm trees were being trimmed and made ready.
The next morning as I read my bible study, The Women of Easter by Liz Curtis Higgs, it was about the Triumphal Entry that Jesus made into Jerusalem. The city was full of travelers who were arriving to celebrate Passover. Vendors were everywhere selling their goods and people were excited for the festive events that would take place.
When Jesus was entering the city the people were laying down palm branches to welcome the King. Shouts of Hosanna were heard and people were throwing down their cloaks.
The study seemed to come alive with the added visuals of my field trip experience. Then I read Luke 19:41-42, “As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes.” “Only Jesus wept that day, while Jerusalem prepared to throw a party.”
“His human heart was breaking. A whole city of people were trapped in the grip of death, unaware and unprepared. All around Him people were shouting and rejoicing. But not Jesus. He wept.”
If they had only known on that day what would bring them peace. Jesus alone provides everlasting peace. “Why didn’t the city that He loved see the truth? Because Jerusalem was looking in the wrong direction. Its citizens turned to people, possessions and power, even though none of them brought peace.”
Reading that really touched my heart especially after seeing the city of San Miguel. It gave me a small glimpse of what it must have been like for Jesus. He is the reason to celebrate. He is the one who brings peace. He is the one that conquered death and gives everlasting life.
As people are preparing to celebrate Easter our stores are filled with decorations, eggs, baskets and bunnies. That’s not Easter. Those things will not bring peace and they don’t point people to Jesus.
We get the opportunity through this season to share Jesus with a lost world. To tell them there is hope. That there is a Savior that loves them so much He willingly died for them. To show them the way to a personal relationship with Him. To point them in the right direction.
My prayer
Father, thank you for the opportunity to see Your heart for this world. Help us to share You with others and to celebrate You. Give us a heart for the lost and to invited them to know You. Thank you for Your sacrifice and love for us. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Where does my help come from?
Isaiah 9:6
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”