The Poor in Spirit – Building on The Rock of God’s Promises

Blessed is ___________ if she is poor in spirit, for hers is the kingdom of heaven. – Matthew 5:3
For if _____________ wants to save her life, she will lose it, but if ___________ loses their life for me, she will find it. What good will it be for ____________ to gain the whole world, yet forfeit her soul? Or what can she give in exchange for their soul? – Matthew 16:25-26
______________ cried, and the Lord heard her; He saved her out of all her troubles. – Psalm 34:6
Have mercy on __________, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to Your great compassion blot out her transgressions. Wash away all her iniquity and cleanse her from sin. – Psalm 51: 1-2
Do not cast _____________ from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from her. Restore to her the joy of Your salvation and grant a willing spirit, to sustain her. – Psalm 51: 11-12
It is better for _____________ to be poor and walk in her integrity, than for her to be rich yet perverse in her ways. – Proverbs 28:6
For it is by grace _________has been saved, through faith—and this is not from herself, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that she cannot boast. – Ephesians 2:8-9