The Little Things
The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. – Psalm 37:23 NLT

Do you believe that all prayers are important, no matter how big or small, no matter how simple or complex? Sometimes we hesitate to talk to God about the little things in our lives feeling that they aren’t important enough to bother Him with. But His Word tells us to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. He also tells us not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Those words are God’s invitation to talk to Him about anything and everything. He delights in the details of our lives and nothing is too small or too insignificant to warrant His attention. Remember, He knows the number of hairs on your head!
When we pray about the little things it opens our eyes to the “ordinary” blessings God provides every day. As we thank God for these things, acknowledging Him as their source, the path to God’s throne room becomes familiar and worn. Our feet – and our hearts – know the way. And when the big things come along – the unwanted lab reports, the financial setback, the feeling of hopelessness when a child or a spouse makes a really poor choice – we can approach God with confidence, knowing that even if we stumble, He will not let us fall. He’s directing our steps, holding our hands, and delighting in every detail of our lives. (Jodie Bernt)
My favorite part of that quote was the mental picture of a worn path to the throne of God. Our feet and hearts know the way. That would mean that we have made that journey many times and that we are familiar with the path while being comfortable and confident in knowing where and to whom it leads.
No detail of our lives escapes His notice; He knows when we sit and when we rise. He knows our thoughts and desires. He collects our tears in a bottle and He listens when we call out to Him. Knowing this about God helps us to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us into a deeper intimacy with Him, which equips us to pray about anything and live with a heart of gratitude, not just for the little things, but for everything.