Live Boldly

The Godly Character of Peace

You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You.

Isaiah 26:3

As each new day begins, news and updates from social media inform us of all the current events taking place in this world. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged at what we see and hear. Jesus told us that we would live in a world with trouble, but He also told us to take heart, be encouraged, because He has overcome the world. Knowing this gives us peace.

That deep spiritual inner peace is ours through Christ regardless of the suffering and distress the world brings. It is found in a personal relationship with Jesus and can be experienced every time we choose to remain focused on the truth and promises of God.

God’s Word instructs us to pray when we feel anxious and afraid. Our prayers and petitions take us to the throne of grace, where our Savior, who is able to guard our hearts and minds, reminds us of His truth and replaces our fear with His peace.

We often make the assumption that peace is the absence of chaos and that is not true. Peace is the presence of calm in the midst of chaos. This is the type of peace God is offering and the beautiful thing about the peace of God is that it flows from within your heart. God’s peace not only affects how you look and feel about a situation, it impacts how you react to it.

As we develop the Godly character of Peace we discover that Jesus is our refuge, our safe place, the calm in our storms; our Prince of Peace. Knowing that Christ is our peace, allows us to entrust our lives to Him, surrender our burdens, our anxieties, doubts, fears, and restlessness and exchange them for the peace that gives us a confident hope for the future. 

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