The Daughter of Pharaoh
Pharaoh’s daughter was destined to be the woman who would save a baby from a terrible death, care for him although he was a Hebrew, and lay the foundation of his great work for God. As an Egyptian woman, the princess enjoyed great liberty. Along with her female attendants, she came to a reserved part of the Nile to wash seeing its waters were considered to be healthy.
Seeing the small basket, Pharaoh’s daughter sent one of her maidens to fetch it. As soon as she opened it and saw the child, she had compassion on him in spite of the fact that he was one of the Hebrew’s children, whom her father had ordered to be killed. The babe wept, and his tears opened a well of compassion in heart of the princess. Pharaoh’s daughter did not look upon Moses as a delightful plaything for the palace, but as a treasure for whom she had risked her own life.
Think of what would have happened if Pharaoh’s daughter had not come down to the waters at the hour she did. Moses might have been destroyed in some way. But God used the pagan princess to deliver the child who was to become one of God’s greatest heroes and for 40 years Moses was cared for and educated as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, having all the privileges of a son of the royal court.
Pharaoh’s daughter did what a Daughter of the King should do; she saw someone who needed saving and did everything within her power to protect, provide and love them.
There are many people in this world that need to be drawn out of the harsh circumstances that they are in. They need someone with a heart of compassion that will do what it takes to reach them and give them the message of grace and peace. They need someone who will accept them and love them as Jesus loves us, regardless of where they come from. They need a Daughter of King!
We think of Pharaoh’s daughter as the Bible pictures her—a kindhearted Egyptian princess, a noble and tender woman who lived in a cruel time. Through divine providence she was the instrument of saving a baby from death, who became Moses, the Servant of God.
Just as God orchestrated Pharaoh’s daughter to be in that exact place at that exact time, God has orchestrated Divine Encounters for you! I pray that you will use your position as Daughter of the King to glorify God in any way that He designs. You too are a woman of noble character with a compassionate heart.
Be Intentional about diligently seeking to help others.

Praises & Prayers
Father, I am so grateful to be Your daughter. I pray that I will diligently seek out those who are hurting and in need of You. Help me to use everything within my power to reach them and share You with them. Thank you for the many opportunities to be in the service of my King. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Luke 19:10
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.