Live Boldly

The Crown of Rejoicing

For what is our true hope, our true joy, our crown of rejoicing in all this? It is nothing if it isn’t you standing before our Lord Jesus the Anointed at His arrival. – 1 Thessalonians 2:19

Have you every received a trophy, a medal or even a diploma? How many weeks, months or years of dedication, hard work and determination did it take to accomplish the task? How great did that make you feel? No doubt you decided long ago that the prize would be worth any effort required to obtain it. Now imagine putting all that time, effort and devotion into seeking the lost souls in this world and sharing the Good News with them. Then on that wonderful day when the Lord returns and judges the believers, He rewards you with a crown, the crown of rejoicing, that you get to lay at the feet of Jesus as an ultimate act of worship.

The Bible tells us about several different rewards, referred to as crowns, that will be given to believers when the Lord returns. To some it may seem selfishly ambitious to try to earn rewards from God. Some may confuse this with doing deeds to earn their way to heaven. But the Bible has several passages that constantly remind us of the rewards God has for His people, and scripture urges us to be faithful so we’ll recevie the prizes God offers to us.

One of the crowns mentioned in the Bible is the Crown of Rejoicing, which is sometimes called the Soul Winner’s Crown. This is the crown given to believers for playing a part in leading others to Christ.

Jesus told us that there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents” (Luke 15:10). Why do they rejoice? Not because they’re surprised, but because a great victory has been won!

I think of the many people in my life who played a part in leading me to the Lord and I cannot thank them enough. It completely changed my world, my life, my everything! It makes me smile to know that one day the Lord will present these wonderful people with the Crown of Rejoicing! Their faithfulness gave me cause to rejoice here and now and all the way through eternity.

Knowing how different my life is with Christ motivates me to share Him with others so they too can experience true hope and true joy.

When was the last time you shared the Gospel in some form or fashion with another person? Whenever you do, the Lord Himself is fitting you for the Crown of Rejoicing.

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