That’s my Father
And before the world was made, God decided to make us his own children through Jesus Christ. This was what God wanted, and it pleased him to do it. Ephesians 1:5

For just a moment I want you to picture the greatness of God in your mind. I know that it is far greater than we can even think or imagine, but that’s what makes this so incredible. The vastness of His presence is limitless.
God, who always was, is and will be, determined before the world was made to make us His own through Jesus Christ, children of God. This same God, our Father, spoke this world into existance. He can hold the waters of the universe in the palm of His hand. He knows the stars by name. He knows every detail about us, not only the hairs on our head, but our thoughts, our passions, our hurts, our questions and our destiny.
He thinks of us, sees us and hears us with pure and faithful fatherly love. His thoughts are always towards us as He gives, provides, instructs, all while patiently and lovinging forgiving us. He is always with us and He never stops watching over us. His heart is for us and He longs to spend time with us. He lifts our burdens and lightens our load. He is our God, our Savior, our Friend and our Father. He is our Everything!