Stay On The Path
Isn’t it fitting that this new month starts with a Divine Encounter. God is so good!
On my morning run I was taking in all the beautiful sights. The birds singing, a woodpecker making his own sound, a baby deer under the trees in the bushes, squirrels racing around and ducks swimming in the stream. This path is indeed beautiful.
I was getting tired on my run and was taking the inside track around the bends to save some steps. As I trotting along I was thanking God for His amazing creation and that I had not seen a single snake this season. A few steps later as I rounded a bend in the path there on the side in the dirt was a 3ft snake! The sight definitely raised my heart rate and I instantly became more aware of where I was running. From that point on I stayed in the middle of the path, not on the edge.
This was a very creative message from God for me. Like many, the last year has been trying and long. We’re tired even though we know we must keep going. In the tiredness I’ve been slacking off on my quiet time with God, taking the shorter route on the edge if you will, and thinking it will make it easier and save some time.
But the truth is that the further we divert from the center of His will, the path He has for us, the closer we become to the enemy that is lurking on the sidelines, just waiting for us to misstep.
The path may be long, hard and tiring, but it is also filled with evidence of God’s presence. He is right there beside us and continually encourages us to keep going one step at a time.
When I finished my run I realized that I had went further than I thought I could and completing the run filled the rest of my day with joy. In addition to all of that, I now have the confidence that I can do it again.
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13