Live Boldly

Speak Lord! I’m Listening

Think about how nice it is to hear from someone that you haven’t heard from in a long time. The sound of their voice makes you smile and your mind fills with memories of how they look and sound.

I have a short video on Brock’s website of him singing. It is precious to me because I can hear his voice. That is a fear I have; that over time I will forget what he sounds like.

In 1 Samuel 3 is says that the word of the Lord was rare. The nation had been wandering further and further from God and because they were out of relationship with Him, they did not recognize His voice.

When the Lord called to Samuel, several times he ran to Eli thinking it was the old priest calling for him. At first even Eli didn’t recognize who was trying to get young Samuel’s attention. Eli had tuned out the Lord through disobedience and even failed to act on a direct confrontation from a man of God to change. Finally recognition came and he counseled Samuel to reply, “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.”

Is the Lord trying to get your attention? Is He calling to you, but you don’t recognize His voice? The word says, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”

The more we know Him, the more we know His voice and will be better able to hear His words of love, correction, guidance and calling. The King James Version says, “And the word of the Lord was precious in those days.” The meaning of precious in this context is rare; not often; but those words caught my attention.

Is the Word of the Lord precious to me? Do I want to hear His voice? Do I have that same conscience fear that I don’t ever what to forget what He sounds like?

Samuel responded to the calling and throughout his life he had a vibrant relationship with the Lord. The Lord spoke to him often and gave him clear direction on major events that effected the entire nation.

We have the same opportunity that Samuel did to hear from the Lord. He calls to us, has a word for us and wants a familiar relationship with us. When He calls will your response be, “Speak Lord! I’m listening.”

My prayer

Father, we are so blessed that You want a close relationship with us. That You want to speak into our lives and give them meaning and purpose. Open our hearts to desire to know You and our ears to listen for Your voice. Help us never to forget the sound of your voice. Let it be a sweet, sweet sound that we long to hear and that we treasure as being very precious. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Where does my help come from?

John 10:27

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”

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