Softening the Message
Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire. – Revelation 20:15

Over the last couple of weeks the Lord has lovingingly, yet boldly, been correcting areas of my life and ministry that need some attention. While sharing the message of heaven with the Grief Share group I was asked if a family member of one of the attendees would be in Heaven. This individual did not believe in God and chose not to accept Christ as Lord and Savior.
Thankfully, whether or not this person will be in heaven is not for me to decide, it is completely up to our sovereign and just Lord. He alone knows our hearts and whether or not this individual made a last minute confession of faith, like the thief on the cross, or if they truly denied Christ and will face the consequences of that choice.
I did mention how separation from God also means that everything about God’s character will be absent. No love, no joy, no peace, no patience, no kindness, no goodness, no light and so on. It was at that moment that another attendee said, “Scripture is very clear, there is a heaven and there is a hell and all those whose name is not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will be in hell.”
It was only a few weeks earlier that I was “softening” my message for some of the unbelievers in the group and was again called out to stand firm in The Truth. Thank you Lord!
Softening the message will not help others come to a saving knowledge of Christ. It actually hinders them. God’s Word does not permit any gray areas in His judgment. If by faith we have not identified with Christ, confessing Him as Lord, we will have no hope, no second chance, no other appeal.
Father, please forgive me for softening Your Word of Truth. Help me to boldly speak the Truth in love. Thank you for sending messengers of correction who called me out. I’m grateful for their bold example and heart for the message to be communicated the way You intended. In Jesus’ name, amen.