Some of our very first friends in life have been our sisters. They usually know more about us than anyone else. We’ve laughed with them, fought with them and grown up with them. If you don’t have biological sisters you are still in luck as a believer because you have a bunch of sisters in Christ.
Just like biological sisters, we can have all types of experiences with our sisters in Christ. There will be women that we are more drawn to than others and that’s okay. We are blessed with a wide range of ages from new believers to experienced mentors, all have a beautiful purpose.
Think about the women you know from church, a bible study, woman’s group or something else. Now remember that each and everyone of them have come into your life with Godly purpose. Each one will help in refining our character.
Some will bring out the best in you and others will bring out the areas that need some work. Some teach, some follow. Some are there for us to serve and others will show us the meaning of service by their actions towards us.
What a wonderful gift God gave us when He gave us sisters! He knew that we would need each other as we go through this journey called life. That’s right, YOU ARE NEEDED!
Be Intentional about building relationships with all your sisters.

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for sisters. I know You had a special purpose in mind when You created them. Thank you for the relationships with biological sisters and sisters in Christ. Help me to be the sister that someone else needs as I treasure the sisters that You have blessed me with. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Proverbs 27:9 TPT
Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy, for good friends are like the anointing oil that yields the fragrant incense of God’s presence.