Live Boldly

She’s Got It All

For the last few weeks I have been studying 1 Samuel 25. It is the story of a woman named Abigail. Her names means “Cause of Joy” and she was a shining example inside and out, of a Proverbs 31 woman.

Sometimes when I think of what a Proverbs 31 woman is like I think of a woman who has it all together and can do anything; the ideal wonder woman. At times I compare myself and I never fail to find areas that I’m lacking, but I’ve learned that there is no joy in comparison.

When we compare ourselves to others, we are only seeing the surface of their lives. The outcome of a life that we know little about. We want what they have but often have no idea of what they’ve been through to obtain that life, what challenges and trials mapped out their journey and what obstacles created their character.

Abigail was an intelligent and beautiful woman who was married to a man named Nabal. He was very wealthy and they lived in Carmel. Sounds pretty nice doesn’t it. But…. that is the next word in that verse, “but her husband, a Calebite, was surly and mean. (1 Samuel 25:2-3)

By definition her husband was; rude or bad tempered; unfriendly or hostile; irritable, dark or dismal; threatening or arrogant. Not exactly the qualities that make for a good marriage or and enjoyable life regardless of where you live or how much money and looks you have.

Inside, Abigail had the character that matters far more than outward beauty or wealth. She knew and feared the Lord. She trusted His plan for the nation and she used the wisdom and discretion that she had learned throughout her life to serve God’s purpose.

She was not a victim of her circumstances, rather she learned how to apply wisdom and humility to them and live an exemplary life in spite of them.

Abigail truly did have it all. She had a relationship with God and trusted in His divine guidance and purpose. Her circumstance were the training ground for developing Godly character that would be used to help run a household and later a nation. To be bold enough to face an angry army and a surly husband. And to do it all with humility and grace.

I’m sure that as you get to know more about her, you too will be able to learn from her example and find hope in your own circumstances. Rather than comparing, we can identify with her and have encouragement and hope for our own training ground of life experiences.

I do want something she had. I want the boldness and trust in God. I want to see Him in my everyday activities and know that they all serve a purpose in refining me to be the woman that He created me to be. Instead of seeing the challenges and trials as hardship, I can choose to see them as opportunities to grow closer to God and pray that I learn what He’s trying to teach me through them. His plan is for our good and He will fully equip us to serve our purpose.

My Prayer

Father, thank you for this study of Abigail and the many lessons that I’ve learned through it. Help me to apply those lessons. Lord, I invite you into my day. I want Your guidance and Your grace. Give me the wisdom and humility to address the situations that come into my life and know that You are fully aware of them and that You are teaching me and developing Your character in me. Thank you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

Where does my help come from?

Proverbs 31:30

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

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