Self – Control
It takes a certain presence of mind to exhibit grace under pressure and that was a quality that Jochebed had. Imagine the level of self-control she demonstrated when she stood in front of Pharaoah’s daughter and accepted the job of caring for her own infant son. The joy in her heart and the ache in her arms to hold her child must have been overwhelming. I don’t know if I could have held it together long enough to leave the palace before shouting with joy and praising God for His miraculous works.
In this case the Godly character of self-control helped her reign in her joy so she could stay composed for the situation before her. But a few short years later that same Godly character of self-control would be reigned in by the strength and faith it took to give the child back to Pharaoh’s daughter so she could finish raising him as her own.
In both situations Jochebed was able to demonstrate self-control because she knew that God was the only one truly in control.
How do you handle circumstances that require you to act with self-control? Do you rely on God and trust in His timing and His solution to the situation? I’m reminded of the bible verse that says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
In our own efforts we often fail to show self-control which, if we choose to look at it with Godly eyes, we will see those failures as reminders that God is willing and able to help us if we would simply ask and obey. I know this with assurity because God’s word also says, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”
Be Intentional about developing the Godly character of self-control.

Praises & Prayers
Father, I am so grateful that You are the One who is truly in control. I pray that I will submit to Your refining touch and learn the discipline of self-control. Help me to trust in Your perfect timing and will and know that with You all things are possible. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
John 15:5
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
Mark 10:27
“With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”